Love and Hate to Rust -- Two Years' Journey of a Data Engineer
I want to share my first hand knowledge, using my 5 years' experience in data engineering, to tell you the great things and the bad things Rust has to offer in this field.…
I want to share my first hand knowledge, using my 5 years' experience in data engineering, to tell you the great things and the bad things Rust has to offer in this field.…
Go 与 Rust 间的 FFI 调用踩坑学习…
Golang 自带了内容相当丰富的 io 库,对 io 编程友好。最近碰到个需要发送文件的 REST api,文件内容需 base64 编码为文本,同时还要文件的 md5sum,再附加一系列其他信息,最后用 json 文本发送。最无脑的做法是将整个文件读入缓冲区,依次计算 md5sum,再把文件编码为 base64 文本,最后拼接所需的 json 文本完成发送。当然这样文件一大铁定崩内存💩,显然有更合适的做法………
在 Dockerfile 中加入黑魔法,加速 CI 上 Rust 项目的编译……
Recently, I came across a situation where I needed to do some seeding, but the network I was on required a proxy to gain access to the Internet. Naively, I set up the proxy settings in qbittorrent, quickly found out that it did not work at all. Now we need to patch...…
2022 年 MKL 与 OpenBLAS 在 NumPy 上的简单测试…
在 spark 中使用 elasticsearch-hadoop 将 dataframe 写入 elasticsearch 服务…
几个你可能不知道的 OpenSSH 小技巧,比如在已有连接上你可以随时开关新的隧道,不必另开新连接。…